Friday 18 March 2016

Budget2016: It's Only A Suggestion! DOH!!

If you follow the ping pong of accusations and claims that flowed from Gideon's budget, you're probably as astounded as I am about Nicky Morgan's claim that the cuts to ESA and PIP are 'only a suggestion. 

On Nicky's planet, there's a consultation and they will be listening to the evidence. Never mind that the consultation closed  weeks ago, the cuts were broadcast last week and they've included the savings in the budget. This means that the whole budget is wrong! 

This talk of cuts as a 'suggestion' came as something of a surprise to former Chief Economist at the Cabinet Office, Jonathan Portes. Portes could barely contain his amusement when Frank Shivers, a tory spokesperson in N Ireland tried to explain that it's not really a mess. They are reassessing people's needs (ie redefining what counts as 'disabled'). The situation is unsustainable, he says, so they must make people undisabled* 

*ok - he didn't actually say that. It's what he meant though

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