Monday 11 May 2015

'Inclusion' ain't all it's cracked up to be

There is a wee bit of me that thought about not sharing this article . I thought to myself, if we are really 'inclusive' and we really really believe in equality of opportunity for everyone no matter what the diagnosis, label or disability, then we should never be surprised by another person's success.
And then I gave it some more consideration. Although the policies and the legislation are great, we don't really have inclusion and we don't really really believe in equality of opportunity for all. We do get surprised when people achieve things that they really 'shouldn't'.
And I suppose we should be really really surprised that some people manage to do great things because, as a society, we put a lot of big big hurdles in the way of people that we consider to be a bit 'not quite the same' as the rest of 'us' (whoever 'we' are). Sometimes we even pay people to put the obstacles there in another person's 'best interests'.
So I am sharing, to remind myself as much as anyone else, that some people achieve great things in spite of the civilised world and not because of it. And to celebrate the people who basically tell us to fk off and let them get on with life.
(First written 14th August 2013)

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