Wednesday 3 August 2022

Boris Johnson's Sofa Doesn't Matter

The tale of Boris Johnson's soft furnishings has had more than its fair share of attention over the past few weeks. We've had commentary about the cost, about the desirability of John Lewis furniture, about 'taste'. None of these things matter. 

What matters is how Boris Johnson paid for it. It matters because it raises concerns that Johnson is in hock to someone. Johnson has made it an issue by brushing off questions with his usual bluffery. Its made worse by a complicit media, in the form of the main political correspondents of the two main news broadcasters.

If it was a one off and if we were talking about a friend giving him a 'dig out', perhaps it wouldn't matter. Perhaps we could just accept an entry in the Register of Interests and move on

But who is going to move on when there's a permanent cloud of corruption hanging over him.

It adds to the general feeling that Johnson and his sidekicks quite simply cant be trusted